Va Crit

During the final presentation I listened in on the Va crits, it provided some useful information about what we would be doing next. The key concepts appear to be based around relationships and connections between people, one of the projects I viewed symbolized water as a connection across continents and that people on different sides of the world were connected by touching the ocean. Overall the Va module looks very interesting and I look forward to doing some hand drawing after all the computer work of Homes for Cyborgs.   


A extra side activity that we completed was saving our Archicad files as a BIMX, this allowed us to explore our cyborg houses from a realistic perspective by walking around. This allowed us the see what our spaces are like from the cyborgs view and better understand our vector lines. We also got to explore each others houses which was interesting as we did not know the layout of each others houses very well. Some of the houses were very interesting and left you guessing what kind of cyborg lived there.

Final Presentation Constructive Cristism

The final presentation went reasonably well, with my cyborg house being an interesting way to look at a conventional house. However it was stated that my house didn’t dramatically develop over the two weeks and that more should have been done to explore this vertical space I had created. I accepted this feedback as it was true, my idea did not largely develop but this was because I was concerned that I would lose the fundamentals of my house that I had built up as being unchangeable- which was not what I should have done. My lack of development also stems from the fact that I found the whole idea of designing a house that challenges the conventional quite difficult. I was unwilling to design something in my mind that was “unrealistic”, I should have looked at the house from a different angle and said what does this cyborg need – not what a human needs. This problem partly occurred from the fact that my cyborg was too human-like, a cyborg that operated in a way different to humans would have helped me design a suitable house. Overall I enjoyed The Homes for Cyborgs, mostly because of learning new computer programmes as well as learning from my mistakes. 

Interior Perspective

Interior Perspective

This image shows some of the insane features of the house, the floating floors and shear drops to the other levels in combination with the inverted roof and windows creates an interesting house layout.