Project Russia Review

This journal was all in Russian but from the few english sub titles and images I could understand the content of the journal. It focussed on The Renaissance of Religious Architecture in Russia. The images showed the designs of Russian religious buildings and included detailed plans, sections and elevations. There was good detail on the important features of the buildings such as the roof and internal columns. Good details on materials and there combinations to make the building look important were prominent throughout the journal. There was a time period explaining the change in design (modern influences) through internal and external events such as the Tsars and later communist Russia. There was also good detail on influences from Muslim and Christian architecture and example of this being the Methodius Cathedral in Samara. Overall this book looked interesting to study in greater detail and as the other journals of Project Russia are on other aspects of Russian architecture it is a good Journal to save in my Library folder as it may be useful later for design or history papers.

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