Final Presentation Constructive Cristism

The final presentation went reasonably well, with my cyborg house being an interesting way to look at a conventional house. However it was stated that my house didn’t dramatically develop over the two weeks and that more should have been done to explore this vertical space I had created. I accepted this feedback as it was true, my idea did not largely develop but this was because I was concerned that I would lose the fundamentals of my house that I had built up as being unchangeable- which was not what I should have done. My lack of development also stems from the fact that I found the whole idea of designing a house that challenges the conventional quite difficult. I was unwilling to design something in my mind that was “unrealistic”, I should have looked at the house from a different angle and said what does this cyborg need – not what a human needs. This problem partly occurred from the fact that my cyborg was too human-like, a cyborg that operated in a way different to humans would have helped me design a suitable house. Overall I enjoyed The Homes for Cyborgs, mostly because of learning new computer programmes as well as learning from my mistakes. 

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